Affordable Housing Investors Council

AHIC's best practices for underwriting cover four key topic areas underwriting: deals, general partners and guarantors, syndicators and acquisitions.  

Underwriting Deals

  • Updated and Expanded Underwriting Guidelines (2018)
    Outline for an underwriting process and for investment documents for proprietary, multi-investor, and direct investments in low-income housing tax credits (LIHTC). Examines how to analyze the financial strength and expertise of the development team; the key points to understand the sources and uses in the development budget; critical facets of underwriting the deal; best practices in due diligence; and tools for reviewing the capacity of syndicators.

  • DEI Analysis of AHIC’s Underwriting Guidelines: Reviews AHIC’s Underwriting Guidelines with a lens of fairness and justice to identify ways that the Guidelines could create barriers and recommend changes or additions to open pathways to under-represented developers. 

  • AHIC Guarantor Analysis: Outlines materials to review and areas of analysis to consider when evaluating the adequacy of a guarantor—an individual, a corporate entity (for-profit or non-profit) or a special purpose entity.

  • Upper Tier Reserve Guidelines: Provides recommendations for reserves for project needs, asset management fees and fund-level expenses.

Rental Assistance

Underwriting General Partners/Developers/Guarantors

  • AHIC Real Estate Owned (REO) Schedule: Fillable template to show a summary of all real estate (not just LIHTC real estate) for which a General Partner/Developer/Guarantor’s has a controlling interest, contingent liabilities or other risk of significant economic loss through loss of investment assets currently carried on its balance sheet, tax liability, etc.

  • AHIC Disclosure Form: Fillable template to collect details on ownership, experience and financials of the project team (GP-Managing Member/Guarantor/Developer) to assess risk and promote informed investment decisions.

Syndicator Review
